The end

 I would like to say some words but I just can say THANK YOU Juan Antonio and THANK YOU Maribel.

This subject has really been one of learning. I enjoy a lot with this subject because all the class we've participated. 

I think it's has been a subject where we have participated a lot as I have said before and also, I think that it has made us learn so much. It's important to do subjects where all the class colaborate in different things like what we have done: groups, presentations, real activities...

I have learned a lot of English, I have learned different ways of working English with the little ones, but above all, I learned to value this language more. 

I think it's very important to know English, but more important is to teach it to the little ones as soon as possible so that they become familiar and see it as something fun and interesting.

Finally, thank you to my teachers Maribel and Juan Antonio for making me like this language more 💓


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