Classes with Juan Antonio

With Juan Antonio we have done a lot of things, and we have learned a lot. But, one special class that I remember is the one that I am going to tell now:

I memeber the moment when he explain us differents methods that we can use with our pupils in the class. 

We spent several days learning about this methods!

In groups we have to explain one method and my group choosed the Audio-lingual method. This educational method use repetition and drill to teach students correct forms in the new tongue, so this method presents grammar and vocabulary through dialogues.

It was a very good class because all the class work in groups differents methods so we practise all of them in different ways. 👍

Another class that I remember special was when Juan Antonio explain us use the phonetic symbols for all the letters, vowels and consonants. 

I think that this topic it's very important to pronounce correctly and to differentiate some words that hear more or less the same. 

In my opinion, to be an English teacher it's very important to have a good ponunciation because children imitate everything we do.


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